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National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević” holds seven legacies, or seven separate libraries, which the prominent Montenegrin public figures donated to the National Library. These are the legacies of dr Pero Šoć, Nikola Đonović, Professor Dušan Gvozdenović, dr Pavle Mijović, Radivoje-Lola Đukić, dr Dušan J. Martinović and dr Niko S. Martinović. They consist of monographs and periodicals, archive materials and personal items of bequeathals. Legacy libraries are an irreplaceable source for the study of the life and work of bequeathals and each of them has the status of cultural monuments. All monographs of all legacies are available for searching in the electronic catalogue of NLM.

The Legacy of Dr Pero Šoć  (1884-1966)
A cultural worker, publicist and politician, minister in the Government of the Kingdom of Montenegro, one among the first Montenegrin bibliographers – The legacy holds: 2,172 monographs with 3,106 contributions, mostly in foreign languages (French, Italian, Russian), from late 19th and early 20th century; periodicals in 201 titles or 2,093 issues, also from late 19th and early 20th century. The Legacy contains quite extensive and significant archive materials, which are classified within required register and available to researchers. It is placed in 86 archival boxes, or 507 folders and it includes about 90,000 documents, notes and press – cuttings. The materials relevant for the history of Montenegro between 1915 and 1925, the time when Montenegrin government and its sovereign were in exile is particularly significant, since Montenegrin historiography lacks data and authentic documents from this period. Another important part of the Legacy is the correspondence of dr Pero Šoć with celebrities of the time. The legacy also contains extensive lexicographic materials and personal items of dr Pero Šoć.

The Legacy of Nikola Đonović (1885-1974)
A lawyer and publicist, the author of 12 books and brochures, as well as numerous articles in the daily and other newspapers. He also wrote essays, discussions and several monographs. His most important economic and theoretical work, Savremeni ekonomski problemi (Contemporary Economic Problems) has been awarded by the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences. The legacy of Nikola Đonović contains 642 monographs with seven appendices, 59 titles of periodic publications, or the total of 409 issues. The legacy is accompanied with archive materials. The publications of the Legacy mostly pertain to the area of legal sciences.

The Legacy of Dušan Gvozdenović  (1917-1993)
A university professor, publicist. He graduated Mathematics and Physics in Belgrade, while as a professor he worked at high school in Cetinje, high school in Zagreb and the Higher School of Pedagogy in Cetinje. As a UNESCO expert, he taught mathematics at high schools in African countries from 1968 to 1978. He participated in the creation and management of the Montenegrin PEN Center and the Society of Admirers of Petrović – Njegoš Dynasty. The Legacy of Dušan Gvozdenović holds 1,602 monographs and 65 magazines with the total of 662 issues with 4 appendices. Both the monographs and periodicals are in the area of mathematics and physics and mostly in foreign languages.

Legat akademika dr Pavla Mijovića (1914-1996)
An art historian, member of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, publicist. He studied medicine and art history and in 1958 became a doctor of historical sciences. He was a professor of art history and dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies in Cetinje. He was the first President of the Montenegrin PEN Center. He has studied medieval art and performed archaeological researches, but also practiced the preservation and study of cultural monuments. He has founded the Museum of Ulcinj and he’s the author of the project of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts – History of Fine Arts of Montenegro. He has written thirty books and about 250 articles and discussions. He has received the 13th July award and he’s one of the founders of Matica Crnogorska. His Legacy holds 4,170 monographs with 381 appendices, 179 titles of periodic publications, or 1,266 issues, with 32 accompanying appendices. As for the contents, almost all publications relate to art and history of arts.

The Legacy of Radivoje-Lola Đukić  (1923-1995)
Montenegrin and Yugoslav director, writer and journalist, film and TV creator, a painter. He studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts and Film Directing at the Higher Education Film School in Belgrade. He was the founder of the Comic Theater (Terazije Theater), and he has worked in Belgrade television as assistant director for production and chief editor of the cultural program since its foundation. He has directed several feature films and filmed documentary, educational, and puppet films. He has written comedies, poems and theater plays for children. He is the author of about 200 serial humorous shows and TV comedies and satires, mostly directed by himself. The Legacy of Radivoje-Lola Đukić holds 319 monographic publications, 9 titles, or 188 issues of periodic publications, archive and audio-visual materials and art works. Particularly valuable items in this Legacy are the scripts for recorded and non-recorded films and TV series, as well as non-published literary works of Lola Đukić, for which the copyright holder is the National Library. On the 20th anniversary of the death of the author, the National Library has developed a “Digital Collection Legacy of Radivoje Đukić”, which contains a selection of literary, film and art works of Lola Đukić.

The Legacy of Dr Dušan J. Martinović   (1933-2011)
A publicist, bibliographer, member of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Doctor of Geography, the editor of many newspapers and magazines, professor (1957-1963), director of Cetinje Gymnasium (1963-1973), the longtime director of the National Library of Montenegro and chief editor of the “Montenegrin Bibliography 1494-1994”. His name has been entered in the encyclopedic edition “Who is Who in the World 1995”, “Enciklopedija knjiga” (Moscow, 1999), publication “Outstanding People in the 20th Century” (Cambridge 2000), “Библиотечная енциклопедия” (Moscow, 2007). The Legacy contains around 1400 monographs and 1209 issues, mostly in foreign languages, as well as 95 periodicals’ titles, especially in the field of librarianship.

The Legacy of Dr Niko S. Martinović  (1914-1975)
A lawyer, philosopher, writer, longtime director of the National Library of Montenegro, a member of GO NOF CG, member of SUBNOR, Councilor of the Municipal Assembly Cetinje, member of Parliament; he was awarded the Medal of Fraternity and Unity with Golden Wreath and the Medal of Work with Red Flag; he was the editor of many newspapers and magazines (Pobjeda, Istorijski zapisi, Stvaranje, Starine Crne Gore…), edition of the Historical Institute “Proceedings for the Study of Njegoš” and edition of the Publishing Company “Obod”. He has published scientific works, historical and literary studies and debates. The legacy contains approximately 2555 monographs, mostly in foreign languages (mostly in Russian), and 280 periodicals’ titles, mostly journals in foreign languages (mostly in Russian). The legacy contains a very extensive archival material (manuscripts, cartography, letters, records, postcards, greeting cards, photos …), as well as personal items of Dr Niko S. Martinović (desk, his portrait, a bookshelf, medals …).