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The National Library has a rich and traditionally founded international cooperation with more than 50 national libraries from around the world, including the US Library of Congress, National Libraries of the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Russia, Czech Republic, and certainly all the National Libraries of the South East Europe countries.

The National Library of Montenegro has signed a number of Memorandums of Understanding with National Libraries, from the region, Europe and the world, and it is a member of and contributor to many international library associations and agencies:

IFLA – The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

ISSN Agency – The UNESCO’s international organization for the allocation of international standard serial number (ISSN – International Standard Serial Number)

ISBN Agency‒ The international organization for the assignment of a standard registry number (The International Standard Book Number)

ISMN AGENCIJA ‒ The international organization for the assignment of the standard music number (The International Standard Music Number)

CDNL ‒ the Conference of Directors of National Libraries

CENL ‒ the Conference of European National Librarians

EUROPEANA – The European virtual library, museum and archive. It offers access to millions of books, paintings, films, museum works and archival records digitized throughout Europe. The National Library cooperates with Europeana on many important projects, including the CSEEE (the Collections of South and Eastern Europe in Europeana).

OCLC ‒ Online Computer Library Center is a non – profit cooperative organization, which is at the same time a librarian computer service and research organization dedicated to the public purposes of furthering access to the world’s information and reducing information costs – signed an agreement for the integration of electronic catalog of Montenegro in the World directory (WorldCat)

SEENL – South East European National Librarians Conference gathers directors of National Libraries of Southeast Europe and it is held annually.

FORUM OF SLAVIC CULTURES – Forum connects and promotes cooperation in culture, education and science in thirteen states: Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Belarus, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine.

UNESCO PARTICIPATION – UNESCO Participation 2014/2015 “Media and Information Literacy (MIL) – Strategy and Training“ is a project realized by the National Library in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications, Bureau for Education Services and NGO LIBRARY Plus, whose aim is to popularize skills of information and media literacy in Montenegro.