Prvobitni sajt NBCG:

Registar organa i institucija na državnom i lokalnom nivou

Vision and Mission

The National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević” is a treasury of written cultural heritage preserving material evidence of Montenegrin cultural reality, on the emergence and identity of the nation. That’s why the National Library is one of fundamental cultural institutions of Montenegro. 

NLM collects and keeps written and electronic sources, enables their retrieval and cares for their preservation. By publishing Montenegrin national bibliography, it promotes Montenegrin written cultural heritage and caters for cultural needs of the population.

Digital technologies and Internet open new lines of communication with its customers, the improvement and increased scope of services and modernize its business in total. In accordance with the principle of general information availability, it affirms the principle of equity and democracy. As the central state library, it takes account of the development of library science in Montenegro. With its knowledge and experience, it assists other libraries in their operation using networking and practices of the larger libraries in the region, Europe and worldwide.

After the international recognition of Montenegro, the library has taken over all responsibilities and liabilities, domestic and international, that common institutions of Serbia and Montenegro has taken care about earlier.

Vision of the Library Development is to:

  • serve knowledge, education, memory and literacy;
  • enable general access to information, as well as professional, educational and cultural contents;
  • serve as a basis and an impetus for overall development, progress and strengthening of Montenegro;
  • serve the purposes of and foster research, learning, entertainment and creativity;
  • serve all citizens of Montenegro without any distinctions and limitations.