Prvobitni sajt NBCG:

Registar organa i institucija na državnom i lokalnom nivou

E – catalogue of Montenegro

Shared cataloguing system in COBISS.CG was established on December 13, 2001. 28 Montenegrin libraries participates in the system of shared cataloging (national, university, academic, public, special and school libraries).

Shared catalogue contains more than 432,000 bibliographic records (February 2017).

Shared cataloguing enables a rational division of labor and savings in demanding procedure of processing library materials and managing catalogues. Each unit needs to be processed only once, after which the record becomes available to all participants in the system and in the network COBISS.Net via the union bibliographic catalogue database COBIB.

Shared cataloguing is characterized by a close connection of local databases (catalogues) of the individual libraries with shared databases (shared catalogues).

Shared database is available via the Internet address: