“Bibliography of Montenegrin
Personal Bibliographies” by Milorad T. Milović will be presented at the 17th
International Podgorica Book and Education Fair in the BIG Fashion shopping
center in Podgorica tomorrow, on May 12, starting at 5 p.m.
Slavica Glendža, assistant
director for library affairs in the National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe
Crnojević” and author will speak at the promotion.
The Bibliography, which was
published at the end of last year in the edition of our library, is a
systematic list of already published bibliographies of prominent people, whose
bibliographies were published in the form of special editions, or in a journal,
as a part of a collection or monograph.
“Bibliography of Montenegrin Personal Bibliographies” by Milorad T. Milović will be presented at the 17th International Podgorica Book and Education Fair in the BIG Fashion shopping center in Podgorica tomorrow, on May 12, starting at 5 p.m.
Slavica Glendža, assistant director for library affairs in the National Library of Montenegro “Đurđe Crnojević” and author will speak at the promotion.
The Bibliography, which was published at the end of last year in the edition of our library, is a systematic list of already published bibliographies of prominent people, whose bibliographies were published in the form of special editions, or in a journal, as a part of a collection or monograph.